As a political moderate who values sanity and evidence over emotional rage in politics, I really tried to keep an open mind about the various candidates from across the political spectrum. I wanted to listen to what they had to say, watch how respectfully they treated the other candidates — across party lines — and dissect and challenge their empty rhetoric. This was originally posted to Facebook Notes. Things I believe in We live in a digital world, that will continue to become more digital as time passes.
Please support #Lessig2016 and the Citizen Equality Act of 2017

If you've known me for more than 5 minutes, you’ll know that I’m interested in politics, thoughtful discussion of the issues, and educating the kinds of people who only get their political information from Facebook. You’ll also know that I support moving beyond the petty, drive-by politics of today by changing the way that I — and hopefully others — think about the issues that affect us. The core of the problem… Source: Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform
Gender-based restrictions on the legal contract known as “marriage” have been removed per the Supreme Court of the United States
The Supreme Court of the United States (a.k.a., SCOTUS) has ruled today in favor removing the gender-based restriction on the legal contract known as “marriage”. Some names for this concept are “marriage equality”, “same-sex marriage”, “gay marriage”, and other things. The U.S. Supreme Court makes history on Marriage Equality Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States SCOTUS: States must allow same-sex marriage To all of my Christian friends: It is not our place have the government push our morals onto those who don’t want it.
I’m bad at pet names

I have a new girlfriend, and she seems to have an affinity for pet names. Me, I’m not so good at them, but at least I try hard. She says it’s an adorable part of my geeky charm. I can live with that. Cereal Her: Hey honey bun! How are you? Me: Look at you… honey bunches of oats! Breakfast pastries Her: Could you do me a favor, love muffin? Me: Sure thing, my little… um… sex bagel.
I just don’t get it
Back in 2006, I was 26 years old. My long-time friend Matthew, and his friends, Vada and Joe, and I worked hard to kick-start an “Internet Startup” here in Silicon Valley. We would come out of investor and lawyer meetings and comment on the tendency for how people over 35 “just didn’t get it”. They didn’t understand what we were trying to accomplish. Twitter, Facebook and MySpace were all the rage, and these guys couldn’t understand the whole point of status updates.
Rest in Peace, Jonathan Troiano
The unspeakable monster reached up and grabbed another one. Rest in peace, Sir Jonathan. There’s a sickness that sometimes infects us. It causes our brains to lie to us. It’s not logical. It’s not sensible. Sometimes all you want is for the pain/frustration/helplessness to stop. You can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you dream of that sweet relief when it just doesn’t hurt anymore. But what we don’t realize in the moment, is that it’s nothing more than a monster hiding in the dark, preying on us, whispering lies to us when we are alone.