It’s still in the works, but I thought I’d give you all a sneak peek of the new Tarzan Control Panel. Check it out:

I’ve still got some things to implement, bugs to fix, design tweaks to make, and API to build, but overall the new 1.2 version of Tarzan is shaping up extemely well. I don’t like to announce timelines for personal projects (as work/professional projects have been known to take up large chunks of time, and I have to dedicate myself to those in order to pay the bills), but I can say “soon”.
I’m also hoping to put out a v1.1.1 release to address Dreamhost’s recent decision to disable the use of PHP’s fopen()
function for accessing data from external sites. This decision directly affects both Tarzan and SimplePie.
I know that this is just a visual sneak peek, and there isn’t much here for Tarzan developers, but what do you think?