I’ve been a life-long Nintendo console owner. I have the NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii and Wii U. I’ve also owned the GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Advance SP, multiple Nintendo DS lites, and a regular and XL-sized 3DS. I have invested so much time and energy into your products over the years that I feel a certain qualification to be able to talk about them as an expert-level consumer. This was originally posted to Facebook Notes. Let’s go back to the GameCube With the GameCube, you very nearly achieved perfection.
Thoughts on Gun Ownership

This was originally posted to Facebook Notes. A heart problem. Earlier today, someone I know posted this image on Facebook. “TRUTH!!!”, my friend exclaimed. As a rational person who values evidence and critical thinking, this photo misses the point by grossly oversimplifying a very complex issue. And while it maybe be technically true, that’s only in the most ideal sociological conditions. The real world is far more complex. (Instead of being flippant and dismissive toward people you disagree with, challenge the things that you think you know.
Stupid, Short-Term Self-Interest

In response to “I moved to the US 7 years ago from Finland — here's what Americans don't understand about Nordic countries”, and why I support Bernie Sanders. This was originally posted to Facebook Notes. Here’s what Americans don’t understand about Nordic countries Anu Partanen, writing for The Atlantic: Commentators repeat endlessly the mantra that Bernie Sanders ’ Nordic-style policies might sound nice, but they’d never work in the U.S. The upshot is that Sanders, and his supporters, are being treated a bit like children—good-hearted, but hopelessly naive.
Clueless Recruiters, Issue #7
Pure, unadulterated incompetence in this week's episode of Clueless Recruiters! (Cue theme music!) Explanation There are few things that technical people are more annoyed by than technical recruiters. A very large segment of the technical recruiting industry has made a bad name for the rest of their industry by relentlessly spamming technical professionals after having not done their homework. These people hock job openings the same way that sleazy salesmen hock used cars. These recruiting companies need to radically change how they do business with the technical crowd, and the Clueless Recruiters series is an attempt to call out clueless technical recruiters who contact me for jobs that are clearly a terrible fit.